COVID-19 Resources
Amid growing public concerns around COVID-19, post-secondary campuses in Ontario are continuing to support student mental health. CICMH has created and collated resources that may be helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us by e-mailing with suggestions for further resources.
Information on COVID-19
Government of Ontario – Ministry of Health
Please check the Ontario Ministry of Health’s (MOH) COVID-19 website regularly for updates to this document, case definition, FAQs, and other information:
- Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Guidance: Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) Sites (Provides general advice to CTSs around protection from COVID-19, screening guidance and what to do in the event of a positive screening, and occupational health and safety measures)
- Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Guidance: Community-Based Mental Health and Addiction Service Providers in Residential Settings (General advice; planning, prevention and screening measures; what to do in the event of a positive screening; tips for modifying operations; and occupational health and safety tips)
- Community Mental Health & Addiction (MHA) COVID-19 Impact Report
Government of Canada
The Government of Canada has put together a page on the Coronavirus which includes Outbreak Updates, Symptoms and Treatment, Awareness Resources and much more.
Want more information on the Canada Emergency Response Benefit? This link will let you know who is eligible and how to apply.
Mental Health and COVID 19 Resources
The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health (CICMH)
We created a COVID-19 specific resources that can be found here:
- Loss and Grief during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Wellbeing and the Online Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Supporting International Students During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- COVID-19 Financial Assistance for Students, Staff and Recent Graduates - Grade 12 to Post-secondary: Transitions during COVID-19 - The Impact of COVID-19 on Post-Secondary Institutions
- Return to Campus Resource List - Mental Health on Campus Podcast Episode 4 – Return to Campus with Marija Padjen and Kirstin Grant
We compiled a list of crisis services available across Canada and Internationally:
- In crisis services available across the country and Internationally
This list contains COVID-19 related resources:
- As there is more demand for Mental Health Support on campus around this time, front-line staff may experience increased stress and burnout:
- As students spend more time online, here are tips to consider around gaming and gambling
- Embedding wellness in post-secondary learning and experience:
For credit wellness courses Impacts of COVID-19 on First-Generation Students Experienced Across Institutions of Higher Education
- A Guided Relaxation CD
For Faculty and Student Leaders:
We have launched a revamped version of our More Feet on the Ground (MFOTG) website and e-learning platform.
This online resource is intended to be a one-stop shop for any campus professional or student leader looking to understand more about mental health and refer a student to relevant programs or departments.
It is a great resource that helps faculty, administration and campus staff learn how to recognize, respond and refer students experiencing mental health issues on campus.
More Feet on the Ground
We at the Centre have launched a revamped version of our More Feet on the Ground (MFOTG) website and e-learning platform.
This online resource is intended to be a one-stop shop for any campus professional or student leader looking to understand more about mental health and refer a student to relevant programs or departments.
It is a great resource that helps faculty, administration and campus staff learn how to recognize, respond and refer students experiencing mental health issues on campus.
Returning to a Shared Workspace
Developed by Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario Division, in partnership with CICMH, Mental Health Works and BounceBack Ontario, Returning to a Shared Workspace: A psychological toolkit for transitioning to a new normal is a guide to support the mental health of individuals as they plan safe transitions back into their employer’s shared workspaces, and designed to help employers as they develop policies and procedures for supporting staff returning to a shared workspace.
Good2Talk is a free, confidential support service for post-secondary students in Ontario. It will remain open and all students can contact then 24/7 throughout this time. We’d also like to remind you of Good2Talk’s 24/7 support via text by texting GOOD2TALKON to 686868.
At this time, we strongly recommend promoting the texting service heavily to students, as they may be impacted by less private living situations during closures and texting may be more accessible to them than phone. While we have risk management plans in place to ensure our services are always available, wait times for service via text may also be shorter than the telephone during this time.
Wellness Together Canada (Government of Canada)
Wellness Together Canada provides free online resources, tools, apps and connections to trained volunteers and qualified mental health professionals when needed.
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)
The Mental Health Commission of Canada has created numerous resources that pertain to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This includes resources such as Self-Care & Resilience guides, tips on talking to someone in crisis during COVID-19 and FAQs.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
CMHA has created COVID-19 Specific Resources that can be found here:
Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division (CMHA Ontario)
CMHA Ontario has created COVID-19 Specific Resources that can be found here:
- Local branch information (
- Provincial mental health supports (
- Tips to manage mental health during COVID-19
- Understanding social distancing and the importance of social connection
- Online Resources for Mental Wellness and Social Connection (provided by CMHA Hamilton) – Includes apps that help with social connection and mental well-being; online resources for mental health and addictions support; tips for supporting a loved one
- 50 ways to stay mentally healthy while social distancing (Provided by CMHA Hamilton)
- CMHA Waterloo Wellington’s Here4HealthCare webpage – offers resources and information to support the mental health of the health care workforce in Waterloo Wellington and beyond with psychiatry, crisis services, counselling and online care. Read the announcement to partners.
They also put together Social Media Packages
- CMHA Social Distancing Mini Package (to promote “physical distancing” more so than “social distancing”). French version.
- CMHA Mental Health Tips Digital Package (tips to maintain positive mental health tips in wake of COVID). French version.
Mental Health Works
In this time of uncertainty and stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mental Health Works will be providing a free webinar series to help employees and employers address the impact these circumstances may have on our work and well-being.
Webinar topics include Stress and Anxiety, Isolation and Loneliness, Being Mindful at Work, Mental Health for Support Staff and many more.
BounceBack® is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.
Bounceback is still offering their services to students and all residents of Ontario.
Togetherall (formerly known as the Big White Wall) is an online peer-to-peer support community which is a great tool for students to access.
CAMH has a section of their website specifically dedicated to COVID-19 and covers topics such as how you can support a loved one who is very anxious about the COVID-19 pandemic, How to deal with feeling lonely during self-isolation and much more. is Canada’s only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory. They have created a COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub on their website to support students and their peers through this challenging time.
Ontario Caregivers Organization
The Ontario Caregiver Organization is offering a range of online resources and supports to help caregivers cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also launched a new initiative – Caregiving Communities – to connect and support community caregiving efforts across the province.
Ontario Caregivers Organization Covid19 Resource List
SCALE Program –
Webinars and videos on caregiving and Mental Health –
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction has put together information on the impacts of COVID-19 on Substance Use.
World Health Organization (WHO)
The WHO has created a tip sheet that is easy to read and straight to the point that you can print off or share on your social media accounts.
Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Children’s Mental Health Ontario has created a list of resources for families as well as general resources.
University Affairs
University Affairs are publishing regular updates on the situation facing Canada’s universities with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Health Literacy Project
The COVID-19 Health Literacy Project has created fact sheets related to COVID-19 in 35 languages including English and French to support as many people as possible.
BEACON digital therapy is a 12-week personalized course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT)– always guided by a registered mental health professional who provides support through secure digital messaging.
BEACON is free of charge for all Ontarians during COVID-19, funded by the Government of Ontario.
BEACON benefits:
· Provided through any web-enabled smartphone or computer
· Accessible 24/7 (no appointments necessary)
· Focused on resiliency skill-building with long-term benefits
· Private and secure
· Clinically validated effectiveness alone or in conjunction with medication
· Platform access for 1 full year (beyond 12 weeks of therapist guidance)
To access BEACON, visit:
To access mental health supports funded by the Government of Ontario, including BEACON, you can also visit:
BEACON is for individuals 16 years or older. BEACON is not a crisis service.
Internet-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – AbilitiCBT by Morneau Shepell
AbilitiCBT by Morneau Shepell
AbilitiCBT is internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT). It can help treat mild to moderate generalized anxiety, depression, and anxiety specific to a pandemic.
AbilitiCBT is free to residents of Ontario, age 16 and up.
- Access it through your smartphone or tablet
- Work through the program at your own pace
- Chat with your dedicated therapist – who will guide you through the program from start to finish
You deserve to feel better.
Learn more about AbilitiCBT:
Learn about all of the free resources offered by the Government of Ontario to support Ontarians’ mental wellbeing:
Dr. Tayyab Rashid
Dr. Tayyab Rashid is a licensed clinical psychologist at the Health & Wellness Centre, University of Toronto Scarborough and he has published an article on 101 Strengths Based Actions to Connect from a Distance.
Hope For Wellness
The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada.If asked, counsellors can also work with you to find other wellness supports that are available near you
Phone and chat counselling is available in English and French. On request, phone counselling is also available in:
- Cree
- Ojibway
- Inuktitut
How to Move to Virtual Counselling
Virtual Counselling Resources
Given the context in which we are living in during the COVID-19 outbreak, we have put together some links for you if you are looking into moving to virtual counselling.
- From the Centre for Excellence in Child Youth Mental Health: -
- Recommendations from the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers: - Recommendations from the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association: - Recommendations from Ontario MD and the Ontario Medical Assocation (more related to supporting the patient community):
- From Empowered Kids Ontario: EKO Virtual Care Resource Guide – This Virtual Care Resource Guide is intended as an informational resource to support organizations in assessing Virtual Care options and implementing Virtual Care services.
Mental Health and Online Education Tips
Online Education Resources
Here we will be adding links from various organizations on how to make Online Education more effective and support mental wellbeing.
- Tips for taking online classes
- 25 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Students
- Wellbeing and the Online Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Campus Related COVID-19 News
For the latest campus specific news and Government of Ontario related announcements check out the news section of our website.