CICMH Webinar: Clinical Supervision


In this webinar, we will be joined by Dr Karen Sewell from Carleton University for an information session on Clinical Supervision. She will introduce general clinical supervision concepts, best practices, some helpful resources, and highlight the work she is engaging in with CMHA Ottawa Branch to develop a model of supervision. This webinar is best...

CICMH Central Region Community of Practice Call


We are hosting quarterly community of practice calls to complement the work we are doing during our regional forums. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other campuses...

Forum Francophone Virtuel du CISMC


Nous aimerions vous inviter à notre forum francophone virtuel pour la santé mentale des étudiants-es de niveau postsecondaire sur Zoom, le mercredi 6 mars 2024. Ce forum se déroulera de...

CICMH Southern & Kitchener-Waterloo Region Community of Practice Call


We are hosting quarterly community of practice calls to complement the work we are doing during our regional forums. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other campuses and community organizations in the region. This call is for the Southern & Kitchener-Waterloo Region of Ontario. Call details will be shared via e-mail to...

CICMH Forum: Northern Region

Nipissing University

The forum is a one-day in-person event that takes place between 10 am and 3:30 pm. The goal is to bring regional post-secondary institutions and community organizations together to highlight...

CICMH Eastern Region Community of Practice Call


We are hosting quarterly community of practice calls to complement the work we are doing during our regional forums. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other campuses and community organizations in the region. This call is for the Eastern Region of Ontario. Call details will be shared via e-mail to all that...

CICMH Webinar: Black Student Mental Health Matters: Afrocentric Frameworks to Restore Black Wholeness


In this webinar, Naiima Farah, a Faculty Counsellor from George Brown College, joins us to discuss Black Student mental health. She will present on the contributing factors to mental health challenges among African, Black and Caribbean (ABC) students, including the effects of colonial/imperial violence and the current approaches that revolve around an anti-Black and deficit...

CICMH 2nd Annual Virtual International Student Summit


Canada has a strong reputation as a desirable and welcoming destination for international students. Over the past several years, there has been a marked increase in the recruitment of international...

Webinar: Gambling within Post-Secondary Institutions


In this webinar, we will be joined by Dr Sasha Stark from Greo Evidence Insights and Dr Andrew Kim from the University of Calgary to discuss gambling within the post-secondary context. Specifically, they will discuss topics including what problem gambling/gambling disorder is, the recent policy changes within Canada and Ontario, as well as the rise...