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CICMH Quality Improvement (QI) ‘Knowledge College’

avril 4, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Please note: You are signing up for four virtual courses scheduled every Tuesday from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET starting April 4th and ending April 25th, 2023.

The QI Knowledge College is the first of its kind offering for Ontario public post-secondary institutions and will provide introductory concepts of QI customized for staff.

These sessions will introduce staff to:

  1. QI methodology and foundation
  2. Key QI concepts using the Model for Improvement (MFI)
  3. Opportunities to apply practical tools to improve processes and outcomes of programs and offerings of campus mental health.

Through completion of this series and the accompanying Foundations to Quality Improvement (IDEAS) E-learning Course, participants will become well versed in common language and approach to QI as well as a readiness to participate in and contribute to QI projects and initiatives in their own programs and projects. It is recommended that participants register for the e-learning course in advance of these sessions. Registration is free and reserved for staff in post-secondary institutions in Ontario.

Course details and registration are available here


Date :
avril 4, 2023
Heure :
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


