Campus Community 22-23 Project Summaries
Sheena’s Place and Sheridan College
Purpose: Training student-focused faculty and staff (Accessible Learning Advisors, Counsellors, Student Rights and Responsibility Officers, Student Experience Specialists, and others) to increase capacity and awareness regarding disordered eating/eating disorders. Also developing a group curriculum specifically designed for the student population.
Impact: 65 student-facing staff members attended the trainings.
Durham Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) and Durham College
Purpose: Assessing current sexual violence prevention and intervention education and strengthening BIPOC connections within and outside of the Durham communities to enhance current programming through student sessions.
Impact: 14 students attended the sessions, and 285 students visited the DRCC counsellor.
John Howard Society of Peterborough and Trent University
Purpose: Providing community meditation, empathy webinars, peer listening events, and Sidewalk Talk to support students’ mental health and skill-building.
Impact: 164 students attended the events.
Cambrian College and Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Sudbury-Manitoulin
Purpose: Increasing knowledge of stigma, harassment, and discrimination, through 90-minute presentations on mental health related to skilled trades and providing Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training for students in trades programs.
Impact: 150 students attended the presentations, and 75 completed MHFA training.
Gerstein Centre and George Brown College
Purpose: Crafting a whole-campus approach to the mental health crisis through awareness building, staff training, and referral pathway development.
Impact: 70 student-facing staff and peer mentors were trained in Defusing Distressed Students training, 54 staff were trained in Crisis Intervention training, and 19 employees (Safety and Security Coordinators, Peer Mentor Coordinator, and counsellors) were trained in ASIST Suicide Prevention training. As well, 556 unique students were served.
Queen’s University and Sexual Assault Centre Kingston
Purpose: Providing direct learning workshop opportunities for counsellors, students, and frontline staff around body trauma, body positivity, and food relationships.
Impact: 18 students attended the workshop and over 50 counsellors and frontline Queens staff were trained.
CMHA Hastings Prince Edward and Loyalist College
Purpose: Providing Loyalist staff and faculty with training and professional development opportunities to enhance capacity to identify, support, and refer students with gaming, gambling, and substance use and addiction issues. Trainings will be offered to all staff and faculty, with specialized offerings tailored to counselling, medical, and residence teams.
Impact: 75 student-facing college employees which will serve students in the learning environment, residences, health services, and beyond.
Distress Centre Niagara and Niagara College
Purpose: Providing Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) to the college’s Health, Wellness & Accessibility Services (HWAS) department.
Impact: All students accessing HWAS are screened for suicide risk. To date, approximately 1000 students have been screened.
The Living Room Community Art Studio and Ontario Tech University
Purpose: Providing mobile therapy services to students on campus through creative workshops and art displays.
Impact: 100-250 students in attendance at each of the 22 events (minimum of 2000 students served).
The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity and Humber College
Purpose: Creating informational videos on healthy relationships and accompanying informational resource packages for 2SLGBTQIA+ students. The videos challenge heteronormative and cisnormative framings of relationships and aim to improve sexual health habits, help in identifying signs of gender-based violence/intimate partner violence, and increasing knowledge and awareness.
Impact: Planning to serve all queer current Humber students, which is approximately 11,400 students.
CMHA Durham and Ontario Tech Residence
Purpose: Providing Residents with a dedicated on-call phone number to use at times of crisis during evenings and on weekends (from Friday night to Monday morning), in hopes of reducing 911 calls. This program provides support for students when regular campus and community mental health supports are unavailable.
Impact: Available to 1300 Residents.
CMHA Toronto and the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC)
Purpose: Providing after-hours counselling during peak times of vulnerability for UTSC students outside of business hours of the Health and Wellness Center and outreach of community resources and referrals.
Impact: 332 students visited the after-hours counselling sessions.
CMHA North Bay District, Canadore College, and Nipissing University
Purpose: Providing psychotherapy support to students who have exhausted the capacity of campus mental health services, or are outside the scope of services, and provide supplemental services where there is an identified need.
Impact: 5 students via psychotherapy sessions. Connected with over 500 at wellness booths.
CMHA Windsor-Essex, University of Windsor, and St. Clair College
Purpose: Providing additional counselling services, supports, and activities to students through the local Youth Wellness Hub to reduce wait times on campuses, improve referrals to community agencies, and improve socialization, loneliness, and skill-building.
Impact: 5000 students were connected to the local Youth Wellness Hub.