Call for Proposals – CACUSS 2016
The Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) would like to encourage you to submit a program proposal for their 2016 conference, taking place June 19-22, in beautiful Winnipeg, Manitoba. The theme for this year’s conference is Muddy Waters, Blue Skies.
We are especially interested in program submissions that offer opportunities for reflection and thoughtful interaction, showcase innovation and research, explore the relationship between campus, culture and community; and set the course for the future of our work and our profession.
CLICK HERE for more information or to submit your proposal today!
Proposals are currently being solicited for the following types of educational sessions:
- Interactive Sessions: 75-minute sessions that provide a venue for presenters to share expertise, and for participants to gain new knowledge and/or a practical new skill in keeping with clearly defined outcomes through an interactive and hands on approach; that allow for in-depth discussion and interaction related to current events, developing trends, research, divisional or regional issues, best practices, or personal and professional development.
- Breakout Sessions: 45-minute sessions designed to inspire and motivate attendees; that feature a presenter’s best new ideas or concepts that they are currently developing or wrestling with. This can be an opportunity to showcase programs, strategies, research, or interventions that have been successful on a particular campus. These are grounded in and informed by the literature, emerging research, or best practices and are designed to stimulate new thinking, dialogue and active engagement from participants.
- Big Ideas: Building on the very successful ’90 Ideas in 90 Minutes’ and ‘60 Ideas in 90 minutes’, CACUSS 2016 will offer Big Ideas in 90 Minutes. Providing concentrated presentations on a variety of topic areas, this year Big Ideas will focus on exactly that – Big Ideas that impact our work, our campuses, and the Student Affairs field. These Big Ideas, rather than a program or a research project, will focus on an idea or a concept that impacts the way we think and how we work. Those presenting are limited to 10 minutes and 3 presentation slides. Those attending are encouraged to share those Big Ideas through networking breaks, live Tweeting, and bringing ideas back to their campus and communities of practice. 2016 topics will include–Mental Health, Emergent Youth Culture, Student Development, Intersectionality of Identities, Leadership Comes in All Shapes & Sizes, Community Values, Metaphors Can Be Powerful Tools, Policy Issues, Interdisciplinary Approaches, and we welcome other topics of interest. See
- Poster sessions: Showcases of research or institutional programs that engage colleagues in dialogue one-on-one. Posters are designed to present content and visuals in a format that is easy to digest and stimulates thought and further exploration.
Program proposals will be evaluated based on 5 primary criteria: content, innovative approach, theoretical foundation, relevancy and significance, and organization. Further details regarding the program selection criteria and submission guidelines are available here.
The Call for Proposals closes FRIDAY, JANUARY 29TH, 2016.
Call for Reviewers
At this time, we are seeking volunteers to serve as program reviewers. We anticipate that each reviewer will be responsible for 5-7 masked proposals. You will receive proposals by Friday, February 5th, 2016. Your completed reviews will be due Friday, February 19th, 2016. The anticipated time commitment is 4 hours.
If you can serve as a reviewer, please complete the form here by Friday, January 15th, 2016. If you have additional questions, please email
We are looking forward to receiving your proposal and reviewer applications– and to seeing you in Winnipeg!
– See more at: