Webinars Archive
Just Get Over It: An Indigenous-led Approach to Learning about Colonialism
January 29, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
We will be joined by Dr. Dawn Lavell Harvard and Anjeni Lovelady from Trent University to introduce the Just Get Over It (JGOI) exercise that the First Peoples House of Learning developed. The JGOI is an experiential learning opportunity that allows participants to learn and understand the timeline of colonialism in Canada and its effects on Indigenous peoples across the country. Trained facilitators, who are Indigenous themselves, will weave their own stories and perspectives into the timeline, allowing participants to hear the real impacts this history has had and continues to have on Indigenous families and communities. Participants additionally engage with the timeline through an interactive portion that asks them to place themselves in the shoes of Indigenous peoples living through different parts of that history. Through the webinar, attendees can find out how to request this workshop and the outcomes we have seen as we continue to offer this exercise to community partners.