Tips & tricks to maintaining mental wellness throughout the winter break
The end of the fall 2015 semester is rapidly approaching. While this time of year is often marked with celebration and cheer, it can also be a stressful time for everyone on campus. Below are some related articles and tips on maintaining mental wellness throughout finals as well as the winter holidays.
Wellness Module: Stress & Wellbeing – Here to Help, BC
How to de-stress in the overwhelm of the end of term – Campus Conversations about Healthy Living Blog
Its the final countdown: tips on managing stress during finals – Huffington Post
How to Stay Mentally Healthy During the Holidays – Psych Central
Tips for preventing a “blue Christmas” and New Year – CMHA, Ontario
7 ways you can survive finals week – University of Texas
Good luck with the end of the semester and wishing everyone a new year filled peace, joy and wellness!