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The Garnet Guide

A holistic guide to navigating wellness & mental health at Mount Allison University

November 26, 2024

The idea emerged to develop a holistic guide which could serve as a “one stop shop” for student wellness at Mount Allison University. The Garnet Guide is a holistic guide to navigating mental health and wellness for students - Created by students, for students. Developed and created by Isabella Gallant

Embedding Indigenous Knowledge into Teaching from HECQO

September 24, 2024

The Indigenous Knowledge Implementation Packsack: A Handbook for Embedding Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Your Teaching is a guide that provides valuable guidance for postsecondary instructors aiming to bring Indigenous Knowledges into their classrooms.

Creating New Partnerships – Avoiding Growing Pains

June 6, 2024

As you navigate through a new partnership, it is easy to get lost in the excitement of it. Establishing a partnership that has shared visions and goals is compelling and inspiring but maintaining a sustainable partnership and reducing those ‘growing pains’ can prove to be a challenge. Once your partnership is established, using these tips below can get you started in working towards maintaining an intentional and collaborative relationship with your partner(s).

The Importance of Problematizing Resilience

April 16, 2024

In this infosheet, we will take the time to problematize some of the pillars of resilience in order to improve our understanding of the concept.

Thriving Classrooms: Toolkit in Practice

December 15, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST

In this webinar, we will be joined by Rick Ezekiel from Dalhousie University and Nadine de Gannes from Ivey Business School to discuss The Thriving Classrooms toolkit. This toolkit offers faculty and educators a range of practical resources to create classroom conditions that promote community, academic, career and personal resilience among students. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn more about the toolkit, see practical examples of how elements of the toolkit have been implemented at Ivey Business School and OISE (University of Toronto), and identify next steps in how they may use resources in the toolkit to help students thrive in their classrooms.

Exploring Mental Health and Well-Being Among University Faculty Members

A Qualitative Study

May 9, 2023

The current exploratory qualitative study describes how environmental factors, social interactions, personal experiences, and stigma affect mental health and help-seeking.

Post-Secondary Educational Leadership Working Remotely During a COVID-19 Pandemic in Saskatchewan, Canada: Exploring Best Practices, Experiences, and the New Normal Post-Pandemic

May 9, 2023

This mixed methods research design focuses on post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan, Canada, its employees’ experiences of working remotely, and the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on school leadership.

Professor Hippo-on-Campus: Developing and evaluating an educational intervention to build mental health literacy among university faculty and staff

May 9, 2023

This paper highlights the development and evaluation of the Professor Hippo-on-Campus Student Mental Health Education Program, a mental health literacy intervention for post-secondary faculty and staff.

Mapping the Role of Instructors in Canadian Post-Secondary Student Mental Health Support Systems

May 9, 2023

This study engaged in online document analysis to (a) locate the instructor’s position within student mental health support frameworks across Canadian colleges and universities, and (b) understand how their role is exactly defined and described.

Situating the Post-Secondary Instructor in a Supportive Role for the Mental Health and Well-Being of Students

May 9, 2023

This paper proposes and discusses a reconceptualized understanding of the post-secondary instructor as a critical link in the chain of student support and wellbeing. The author suggests that instructors can supplement or facilitate a number of initiatives in higher education to support student mental health.