Webinars Archive
Problem Gambling in Post Secondary
June 16, 2023 | 11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
In this webinar, we are joined by representatives of CMHA Thames Valley, CMHA Huron-Perth, as well as the Gambling Awareness Program at CMHA Saskatchewan, to talk about problem gambling among post-secondary students. This panel discussion will feature questions about the changes to Canadian laws around gambling and how that impacts students, what to look out for in struggling students, and the best way to support students with problem gambling. The session will be followed by an opportunity for audience questions.
Episode 10 – Cannabis and Gambling Addiction Awareness with Dua Fatima, Nicole Rita and Steve Keller
February 24, 2023
In this episode, Dua Fatima (Youth Gambling Awareness Program), Nicole Rita (Humber College placement student) and Steve Keller (Youth Cannabis Awareness Program) will discuss emerging trends and research on youth cannabis and gambling addictions, addiction from a post-secondary perspective, available YMCA of Greater Toronto services and supports for post-secondary institutions across the province, and what campus staff and faculty can do if a student shares they are struggling with an addiction.
Gambling and Gaming on Campus - A hidden problem?
April 1, 2020
Technological advances have increased the accessibility of gambling beyond traditional land-based activities (e.g. casinos), allowing individuals to gamble from the comfort of their computer or smartphone, any time they feel like it. These advances have also blurred the line between gambling and gaming, with many traditional smartphone or computer-based games now including gambling elements (e.g. loot-boxes).
Gambling and Gaming on Campus - A hidden problem?
February 28, 2019 from 1:00 to 2:00pm EST