University of PEI offers training in new mental health first aid program
A new mental health first aid program is being offered to University of Prince Edward Island students, staff and faculty. It’s a two day workshop created by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
The program share ideas on how to recognize signs of mental health problems and how to provide some initial help, says James Reddin, a UPEI counsellor. “When somebody’s going through a mental health crisis, they maybe need some of the same stuff. They may need some support until they can get the professional help. They may need some assistance in making some small changes or feeling better about it so they stop getting worse. And they may need some comfort and support through that difficult period,” said Reddin.
“So actually some of the reasons for physical first aid actually match up with the reasons for mental health first aid.”
Biology professor Marva Sweeney-Nixon says she sees students experience anxiety at different times and over different things. “Anxiety about school, anxiety at exams, panic attacks in the middle of an exam. Students who have depression, there’s a lot of depression,” said Sweeney-Nixon. “So they start out coming to class, and gradually less and less. We see it a lot in the winter semester, when it’s dark more than its light. So there’s a range that we see.”
The university has just completed its third round of mental health first aid training and there is a waiting list for future sessions.
“At the university we interact with a lot of people And also we’re seeing young people, 16 to 24 is the prime age to be diagnosed. So if ever there’s going to be an issue in your life, that’s probably when it comes up. And here you are dealing with us, so we should be prepared to help you out,” said Reddin.
To date, 50 people have been trained. Reddin wants to offer the sessions three times a year with a goal of having 200 to 300 people with the training.
“The brain is an organ of the body and we know what happens if a blood vessel bursts or if something happens to the heart. The brain is really no different and we need first aid for the brain,” said Sweeney-Nixon