Weekend hackathon produces original mobile apps to improve student mental health
TORONTO, Nov. 12, 2014 /CNW/ – On Sunday November 9, hackers from across Ontario demonstrated 14 original mobile app concepts to support the mental health and wellbeing of post-secondary students. These new designs were the product of a weekend-long ‘hackathon’, where programmers, engineers, designers, mental health practitioners and advocates came together to build mobile solutions that improve access to mental health resources.
“There was a real, vibrating energy in the room this weekend” said David Wiljer, CAMH’s Senior Director of Transformative Education and Academic Advancement. “Every person in the room came with their own experience of trying to navigate the mental health system and everyone was committed to working together to improve and transform these experiences. The creativity of the teams and what they were able to accomplish in such a short window of time was impressive. “
For the full story click here
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