In Canada, men have a suicide rate three times higher than women. Why? We have socialized men to be strong, stoic and self-reliant; showing emotion is a sign of weakness, as is asking for help. Further, men are underserved by our traditional health and social service sectors. Men are dying in alarming numbers, all around us, alone. How can we change this reality?
At Centre for Suicide Prevention, we knew that men’s suicide prevention had to become a significant part of our work. In 2016, 100 Men Who Give a Damn Calgary donated $10,000 for the creation of a men’s suicide prevention campaign and in 2019, Calgary Herald Christmas Fund donated $60,000.
About the Centre for Suicide Prevention
The Centre for Suicide Prevention is a branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. For 40 years we have been equipping Canadians with knowledge and skills to respond to people at risk of suicide. We educate for life.
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