Saying When wallet-sized promotional cards
CAMH Substance Abuse Health Promotion Resources
Saying When: an app to help you think about when, why and how much you drink.
Alcohol consumption is a significant population health issue. While most people drink responsibly, exceeding low-risk drinking is associated with a variety of social and health harms. A helpful resource: Canada’s Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines (LRADGs), an established set of guidelines that help those who choose to drink to do so in a way that supports a healthy lifestyle.
To enhance awareness of the LRADGs, CAMH Education, with the help of the Provincial System Support Program, is collaborating with Ontario’s LRADGs Public Health Working Group. The goal: increase awareness of the guidelines and access to CAMH’s Saying When app. CAMH’s Saying When, is a free, mobile app to help people engage in moderation or low-risk drinking when it comes to alcohol consumption. This app complements the Rethink your Drinking campaign which encourages individuals and communities to examine their relationship with alcohol, like why, when and how much they drink.
Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines – Brochure giveaway
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) has made Canada’s Low Risk Alcohol Drinking (LRDG) brochures available to customers at all LCBO stores province-wide.
Copies are available for Ontario public health units at no cost. The brochures are CCSA and CAMH branded; they do not feature the LCBO’s logo. There is a small statement at the bottom of the back panel “Printed with the assistance of the LCBO”.
To request copies, please complete this form and send and LCBO can fill large volume orders and recommends that health units order a quantity for a 6 month time period.
If you would like to download the LRADGs brochure, click here.
The Municipal Alcohol Policy Guide
People drink alcohol during their leisure activities. Often these activities are held in municipally owned facilities and are run by municipalities, sporting groups, service clubs and individual citizens for socializing, celebrating and fundraising purposes.
The Toolkit and Resources sections of CAMH’s Municipal Alcohol Policy Guide will help you develop a Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP). A MAP establishes rules and regulations, standards, and requirements for the legal operation of events held in municipally owned facilities where alcohol will be served and in a manner consistent with the liquor licence regulations of your province, territory or state. It helps renters run safer events where adults can still have fun, raise money and drink alcohol. It also tells the public about their responsibilities and potential liability when hosting events where alcohol is available.
By developing a Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) through a community-involved policy formulation process, communities can manage alcohol use better in their indoor and outdoor municipal facilities.
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October 23, 2015
Reducing Alcohol Harms Among University Students
November 11, 2015