Reducing alcohol harms among university students: A summary of best practices
Reducing Alcohol Harms Among University Students
This report presents a framework that can be used to implement programs and policies that can serve to reduce alcohol harms among the university student population. The framework focuses on highlighting best practices with a focus on three types of interventions:
(1) those that seek to reduce the demand for alcohol and individual harms that can result from heavy drinking (individual);
(2) those that focus on reducing the supply of alcohol to the individual (environmental); and
(3) those that require policy changes outside of the specific university context (systems).
A university alcohol policy should include as many elements from each of the three strategic intervention areas as possible to achieve the greatest impact. Collaboration with students and community is essential. A long-term vision and strategy is recommended. While some interventions can and should be implemented immediately to enhance student safety, others will require a commitment to work closely with university students, faculty and staff, the community, and provincial and federal governments over time before changes in higher level outcomes are seen.
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October 13, 2015
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November 9, 2015