Resources Archive

Mind the gap: Person-centred delivery of mental health information to post-secondary students

May 8, 2023

In this study from Ottawa, ON, first year post-secondary students completed a survey determining their mental health knowledge. Almost half of the postsecondary youth participants, particularly males, had difficulty recognizing common mental illnesses, such as anxiety, eating disorders, and psychosis.

Cultivating Trauma-Informed Spaces in Education: Promising Practices Manual

February 15, 2023

Cultivating Trauma-Informed Spaces in Education Promising Practices Manual is an outcome of a Sheridan Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activities Growth Grant. The project goal was to develop proactive measures to enhance student support, and safer learning experiences, and reduce trauma, re-traumatization, and vicarious trauma. The Manual is intended to support increased awareness of trauma and the importance of Trauma-Informed Education in post-secondary education. It includes a framework, including macro, mezzo, and micro level organizational recommendations and pedagogical practices. It is a tool to support educators and educational institutions, through a preventative and harm-reducing approach, to support more compassionate, supportive, equitable and flexible learning spaces and workplaces.

Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy (2023-2026)

Toronto's Infant, Child, and Youth Mental Health Sector

February 14, 2023

Infant, child, and youth mental health agencies in the city of Toronto have formed a task force to develop a multi-year strategy to address anti-Black racism in the sector. The goal of the project is to ensure that the sector honours its promise to end anti-Black racism and provide culturally responsive programs and services which help Black infants, children, and youth thrive. The Anti-Black Racism Task Force is comprised of staff from a cross-section of agencies in Toronto. 

Visualizing queer spaces: LGBTQ students and the traditionally heterogendered institution

December 6, 2022

This study explores how LGBTQ college students experience campus climate at a Midwest Urban Public institution, through a framework of the traditionally heterogendered institution (THI).

Trans University Students’ Access to Facilities: The Limits of Accommodation

December 6, 2022

This article examines the results of a survey of 54 trans students in two major universities in Ontario in order to evaluate participants' access to on-campus facilities.

Social support, discrimination, and Self-Esteem in LGBTQ + high school and Post-Secondary students

December 6, 2022

This article draws on data from the OutLook Study in Waterloo Region, Ontario, and examines discrimination and social support among high school and post-secondary students.

Depression and Attempted Suicide among LGBTQ College Students: Fostering Resilience to the Effects of Heterosexism and Cisgenderism on Campus

December 6, 2022

This study investigates a national sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and trans students to determine the association between mental health and microaggressions, victimization, psychological resilience, pride, and outness.

Toward Intersectional Identity Perspectives on Disability and LGBTQ Identities in Higher Education

December 6, 2022

While little has been published on the intersections of disability and queer identity among post-secondary students, this article proposes 5 intersectional identity perspectives based on semi-structured interviews with university students who identify as LGBTQ and have a disability.

General and LGBTQ-specific factors associated with mental health and suicide risk among LGBTQ students

December 6, 2022

This UK study investigated general and LGBTQ-specific factors associated with having a current mental health problem, use of mental health services, suicide risk, and self harm in LGBTQ university students.

Experiences matter: Educators' attitudes toward disability in higher education

December 6, 2022

This study investigated post-secondary educators' attitudes toward disability at a college and a university in southwestern Ontario.