Home Campus-Community Partnerships Appendix for Campus-Community Partnerships

Appendix for Campus-Community Partnerships

MOU 1 Service agreement between COMMUNITY PARTNER and CAMPUS

Service agreement between


The Campus and its partners wish to develop and deliver effective student mental health services and awareness programming between May 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018.

The Community Partner wishes to develop and deliver this programming in partnership with the Campus and its partners.


The purpose of this agreement is to establish a framework for the proposal and delivery of services that may be delivered by the Community Partner to the Campus and its students between June 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018


  1. The Mental Health Educator will work directly with the Director of Student Services and the Student Services Advisor for the planning and implementation of mental health education programming.
  2. The campus will require the Mental Health Educator to co-ordinate and deliver the Program, including workshops and events, working with the identified Mental Health Champion to schedule the trainings needed. As the mental health coach, the Mental Health Educator will make any necessary referrals needed if approached by an athlete. The Campus will supply all athlete, coach and staff training materials.
  3. The Mental Health Educator will deliver up to four safeTALK training sessions to staff and students (not including the workshops). Training session requests will be reviewed and confirmed by the Mental Health Educator and the Director of Student Services. The Campus will supply all training materials.
  4. The Mental Health Educator will deliver up to four Mental Health First Aid training sessions to staff and students. Training session requests will be reviewed and confirmed by the Mental Health Educator and the Director of Student Services. The Campus will supply all training materials.
  5. The Mental Health Educator will organize and deliver mental health education programming on campus two days per month between the last week of August and April (December and April only two days). An additional one day per month of planning would also be provided by the Mental Health Educator.
  6. The Mental Health Educator will provide the Campus with a mental health education programming plan for the last week of August through April prior to June 30th in order for it to be reviewed by the Director of Student Services. Each event will include a budget, details of the program, location, partners and resources required.
  7. The Campus shall provide feedback and work with the Community Partner to make any necessary adjustments to the programming plan within a timely manner.
  8. The Campus shall provide the Community Partner with its requirements and its feedback on any prior delivered services on a periodic and ongoing basis during the term of the agreement.
  9. During the months of May and June, the Mental Health Educator will be required to design the last week of August through April period programming, assist in the development of transition programming and deliver staff training sessions as outlined in Terms 3 and 4.
  10. The Campus will provide the Community Partner with an on-campus work space, parking tokens, office equipment as required, and information about additional student education, programming needs and its operation as required.
  11. The Campus shall not enter a similar framework agreement for similar services during the term of this agreement , though is free to retain other service providers to deliver student mental health and addictions programming and communication during the term of this agreement.
  12. The Community Partner will supply the Campus with a Mental Health Educator as required above for the term of this agreement. The Community Partner will deliver monthly invoices for the services provided by the Mental Health Educator at a cost $XX per month. Approved additional supplies delivered under this agreement will be invoiced on a monthly basis, with all fees charged in arrears. The Mental Health Educator will be an employee of the Community Partner and will be expected to follow all policies/procedures as set by the Community Partner and the Campus.
  13. The Community Partner will provide the Campus with valid copies of any required instructor’s certification of their Mental Health Educator.
  14. Supervision of the Mental Health Educator will be provided by the Community Partner. The Campus will report issues of concern to the Community Partner for disposition.
  15. The Community Partner shall use and disclose any student personal information it receives under this agreement strictly for the purpose of delivering services and shall secure such information reasonably and in accordance with the Campus’ direction.
  16. The Community Partner, at the request of the Campus, shall cause its employees or contractors who access student personal information for the purpose of delivering services to sign a reasonable confidentiality acknowledgement.
  17. The Community Partner will not provide any ongoing direct counselling service to students or staff of the campus but will make appropriate internal and external referrals.
  18. The Community Partner will provide proof of liability insurance and hereby releases each the Campus and its respective agents, officers, employees and any other person, corporation , firm, partnership or other entity or group thereof for whom the Community Partner is legally responsible from any liability for loss arising in any way out of the performance of this agreement or out of the contractor’s occupation and/or control of the services which the Community Partner provides to any student, whether on or off the premises.
  19. The Community Partner indemnifies and saves harmless the Campus and its respective agents, officers and employees and any other person, corporation, firm, partnership or other entity or group thereof for whom the Campus is legally responsible, against any and all claims, actions, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses in connection with loss of life, bodily injury, personal injury or damage to property arising from or out of the occupancy or use by the Community Partner of the premises or the services provided or not provided by the Community Partner occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of the Community Partner or its respective officers, employees , agents, customers, contractors or other invitees, licensees or concessionaires or due to or arising out of any breach of, or any claim by a third party inconsistent with, any of the terms and provisions of this or any other agreement to be observed and performed on the part of the Community Partner.
  20. This agreement will terminate on March 31, 2018 unless terminated earlier by the parties.
  21. Either party may terminate this agreement by providing 60 days written notice to the other party.
  22. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements related to its subject matters.
MOU 2 Memorandum of understanding between COMMUNITY PARTNER and CAMPUS and CAMPUS STUDENT COUNCIL

Memorandum of understanding between

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets out the terms and understanding between the Community Partner and Campus with regard to a pilot project for a Community Partner Satellite Crisis Service to be situated on campus during November and December of 2016.


The Community Partner and Campus both identify a significant increase in students accessing  services for mental health issues. This coincides with the recent NCHA survey of over 25,000 post- secondary students where 65% endorsed overwhelming anxiety, 46% felt so depressed it was difficult to function, 13% had seriously considered suicide and 11% disclosed they had attempted suicide.

Although there are excellent mental health supports available at the Campus during the day, there are currently no crisis supports on campus during the evening hours, a time when youth often present in crisis. This pilot project will address this identified need by piloting a Community Partner Crisis satellite office on campus during November mid-term and December exams.


This MOU will outline the partnership between the Community Partner, the Campus and the Campus Students’ Council, specifically support offered by the Community Partner on campus during the pilot period.

Hours of operation will be between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday beginning on November 15, 2016 until December 15, 2016 inclusive.

Two regulated health professionals from the Community Partner Crisis Assessment Team with experience working with youth, will provide walk-in crisis assessment and intervention out of the Peer Centre in the University Community Centre with the support of one or two volunteers from the Peer Support Centre. We will begin with one crisis staff on per night, however if demand warrants, we will increase the staff complement to two Crisis Assessment Team members each shift.

The Community Partner crisis staff will document as per agency requirements in the Community Partner electronic record. If the students are connected to Student Health Services or the Student Development Centre and provide consent, the crisis worker will provide the written consultation and plan to the appropriate supports. If students are not already connected, but are open to follow-up with Student Health Services or Student Development, written consent to share information will be sought and the consultation note will be shared with the appropriate service.

Protocols regarding processes for students requiring assessment in the Emergency Department will be developed collaboratively.

The Manager of the Crisis Centre will provide supervision and support to Crisis workers in regard their role at the Community Partner Satellite office at the Campus.

The Director of the Peer Centre will provide supervision and support to the Peer Volunteers.

Representatives from the Community Partner and the Campus will work collaboratively on a communications plan.

The Manager and/or the Director of Crisis Services at the Community Partner and the Campus Students’ Council/the Campus leads for the pilot will communicate regularly to ensure the co- ordination and collaborative success of the services.


Through meetings, each party reserves the rights to advise the other party of any compliments and complaints with respect to the pilot. The Parties will use reasonable efforts to resolve issues and complaints.

The Community Partner will collect data regarding the number of students accessing the service and will share this information with the Campus partners. A satisfaction survey will be offered to students accessing the service and results will be shared with the Campus partners. Other evaluative criteria may be developed collaboratively.


The Community Partner will fund the crisis staff for the pilot unless other appropriate funds come available prior to the pilot launch.


This MOU may be modified by mutual consent of authorized officials from the Community Partner and the Campus. This MOU shall become effective upon signature by the authorized officials from the Community Partner, Campus Students’ Council and the Campus and will remain in effect until December 31, 2016.


If either party wishes to terminate the agreements prior to the expiry of the agreement they shall do so with no less than 30 days written notice.


Both Parties remain responsible for the provision of services and as per the scope of their practice. Each will insure that appropriate liability insurance is in place and neither organization is responsible for any abhorrent activities of the other.


The Parties strictly protect the confidentiality of client health and personal information and business information, therefore no identifying information will be shared without written consent of the individual receiving service or the individual’s substitute decision maker.

Contact Information

Sample Communications plans


http://toolkit.providencehealthcare.org/sites/toolkit.providencehealthcare.org/files/PlanTemplate- Communication-2015-02-04.doc


Campus Community Partnership Project Reporting Survey
Guide: PDF Version