Home Campus-Community Partnerships Supports from the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health

Supports from the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health

A strategic priority for the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health is to enhance campus community partnerships to address student mental wellness. We’re here to help.

Our Community Partnership Coordinator, Cecilia Amoakohene, supports the building and maintenance of partnerships by acting as a matchmaker/administrative support for partnerships in the following ways:

  • Identifying potential community or campus partnerships
  • Facilitating introductions with community and campus contacts and set up meetings
  • Helping to define mutual goals within the partnership
  • Facilitating the creation of partnership documents (e.g. MOUs)
  • Providing resources to help develop programs or services (materials, tool kits, handbooks, research, etc.)
  • Providing resources to support developing and strengthening more effective partnerships
  • Facilitating communications and knowledge sharing with other agencies with experience in a proposed project area

To learn more, contact Cecilia at camoakohene@campusmentalhealth.ca.

Guide: PDF Version