
Using any or all the tools in this toolkit can help you identify potential gaps in your institution’s policies, procedures, programming, and services in terms of their alignment with the Standard.

Once you have completed that assessment, this infosheet provides a wealth of resources to help you continue to implement the Standard.

The purpose of this infosheet is to provide nationally available resources that can support the implementation of the Standard on Canadian post-secondary campuses. The resources are organized according to the mental health and wellbeing framework available in the Standard.

Currently, many of the resources collected in this infosheet are only available in English. Regardless, we encourage you to use this infosheet as inspiration in your journey to implement the standard on your Francophone campus.

Getting Started

This section contains resources and information on getting started with the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-being for Post-Secondary Students.

The National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students

Your copy of the Standard can be accessed for free on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Group website (account creation required). If you download the document, please note that internet access and the Adobe Acrobat application are required to open it.

Starter Kit: For the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), in collaboration with CSA Group, has championed the development of the National Standard of Canada for Post-Secondary Mental Health and Well-Being. In addition, MHCC has invested in a Starter Kit to support institutions to align their efforts with the Standard. Of relevance is the Audit Tool (pp. 37-53), which is a practical tool for assessing alignment with the Standard or conducting a needs assessment.

Webinar: Getting Started with the Standard within the COVID-19 Context and Beyond

CICMH webinar discussing the MHCC’s Starter Kit to support institutions in aligning their efforts with the Standard. This session will be useful to those who are considering working with this voluntary standard, with a special focus on the impacts the global pandemic has had on post-secondary institutions.

Webinar: An Introduction to the National Standard

Healthy Campus Alberta (HCA) webinar introducing the Standard, featuring an Alberta student, faculty panelists, and representatives from MHCC. The webinar reviews available tools and resources to support campuses’ alignment with the Standard.

Follow-Up Workshop: Getting Started with the National Standard

Webinar facilitated by the HCA team providing an overview of the Audit Tool within the context of assessing alignment with the Standard. Includes some practical ideas for working with the Audit Tool.

Keeping Student Mental Health at the Heart of Post-Secondary Education

This short video by the MHCC provides an overview of the Standard, highlights its relevance in supporting mental health in post-secondary education, and outlines three key resources/actions to get started.

Promoting and Strengthening Post-Secondary Student Mental Health

Another short video by the MHCC about the importance of mental health promotion on post-secondary campuses. Can be helpful for making the case for implementing the Standard.

Psychological Health and Safety Standard for Post-Secondary Students – 2020 Launch

Another short video by the MHCC making the case for implementing the Standard.

National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety of Post-Secondary Students Scoping Review

This report investigates themes common to the discussion around post-secondary student mental health, both nationally and internationally. A detailed scoping review of the literature was undertaken, exploring peer-reviewed academic sources and grey literature. The main themes of interest to this report were selected in collaboration with the Executive Advisory Committee (EAC), the MHCC, and Bell Canada.

A Standard for Post-Secondary Mental Health – One Year Later

This report celebrates the success of campuses across Canada working with the Standard one year since its release in October 2020.

Webinar: The Campus Mental Health Action Tracker

Representatives of the MHCC and the SRDC join this CICMH webinar to discuss the Campus Mental Health Action Tracker. Learn about the Standard, how to use the Tracker, the benefits of using it, and how it came to be.

Guide: PDF Version