Thank You to Our Collaborators
This toolkit would not have been possible without help from our valued stakeholders. In order to ensure that this toolkit met the needs of campuses, we collaborated with stakeholders working in sexual violence across Ontario. Without their time and dedication, this toolkit would not have come to fruition.
Emily Anne Opala from the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health
Dr. Laurie Samuel from Cupid’s Sting
Emma Conner from the Durham Rape Crisis Centre
Kasey Egan from Lakehead University
Kelsea McCready from Students for Consent Culture Canada
Sarah Crawford from Algonquin College
Sarah Read from Huron University
Shannah Shemilt from Algoma University
Stephanie Song from Seneca College
Trevor Potts from the College Student Alliance
Tyler Creces from Durham College
Wil Prakash Fujarczuk from McMaster University
Xavier Borsato from the University of Western Ontario
Thank you as well to our reviewers, for their thorough examination of the content of this toolkit.
Christine Wincentaylo from MacEwen University
Dr. Laurie Samuel from Cupid’s Sting
Jacinda Frazer from Sheridan College
Jan Klotz from the University of Guelph
Kelsea McCready from Students for Consent Culture Canada