Articles on Student Athlete Mental Health
Consensus statement on improving the mental health of high performance athletes (2019)
This consensus statement is the product of an international Think Tank on the initiative of the International Society of Sport Psychology. The purpose of the Think Tank was to unify major sport psychology organizations in a discussion of the current status and future challenges of applied and research aspects of athlete mental health
Levels and prevalence of mental health functioning in Canadian University student-athletes (2018)
We examined the level and prevalence of mental health functioning (MHF) in intercollegiate student-athletes from 30 Canadian universities, and the impact
of time of year, gender, alcohol use, living situation, year of study, and type of sport on MHF.
The mental health of elite athletes: A narrative systemic review (2016)
This review appraises the evidence base regarding the mental health and wellbeing of elite-level athletes, including the incidence and/or nature of mental ill-health and substance use.
Setting the bar: athletes and vulnerability to mental illness (2012)
Known risk factors for athletes are herein presented to raise awareness of the negative side of sport and to bring attention to the psychological outcomes and needs of athletes. The need for research into the incidence and aetiology of mental illness within elite level sport is also raised.