Hamilton mental health providers mark mental health week

Child and Youth Mental Health Program staff at the Chedoke campus of Hamilton Health Sciences donned the green on May 6 to celebrate national Child and Youth Mental Health Week.

“One in five families are touched by mental health difficulties,” said Marsha Newby, clinic leader at the Chedoke site. “I think it’s important to know that it’s something we’re trying to reduce stigma, that there are services available, that people should reach out and it’s encouraging people to have those tough conversations.”

Last week’s event was also the final Child and Youth Mental Health Week celebration at the west Mountain facility.

After providing children’s mental health services to the community for some 40 years, the Chedoke operation will be closed in November and the services will be moved to the new Ron Joyce Children’s Centre on Wellington Street North across from the Hamilton General Hospital.

Newby noted the Chedoke site on Sanatorium Road, which sees about 6,000 patient visits per year, can be challenging for patients and their families to get to.

Brenda Tedesco, who has been a child and youth worker at Chedoke for the past 36 years, said the staff is looking forward to moving to the new and state-of-the-art facility.

“There’s been so many children that have come through this place that the wonderful staff have helped,” she said. “We will miss the wonderful surroundings that we have here, but change is good. It’s going to be all band new stuff for the kids and that’s what’s most important is for the kids.”

For the full article, click here.

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