CICMH Course: Students Transitioning from Post-Secondary to the Workforce


CICMH is launching a new course for post-secondary students! Transitioning into the workforce after completing a post-secondary education can be challenging and many students don’t feel well supported. The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health presents a 60 mins virtual webinar course that will discuss the various challenges such as financial and career stress,...

CICMH Western Region Community of Practice Call


We are hosting quarterly community of practice calls to complement the work we are doing during our regional forums. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other campuses...

CICMH Eastern Region Community of Practice Call


We are hosting quarterly community of practice calls to complement the work we are doing during our regional forums. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other campuses...

CICMH Course: Students Transitioning from Post-Secondary to the Workforce


CICMH is launching a new course for post-secondary students! Transitioning into the workforce after completing a post-secondary education can be challenging and many students don’t feel well supported. The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health presents a 60 mins virtual webinar course that will discuss the various challenges such as financial and career stress,...

CICMH Central Region Community of Practice Call


We are hosting quarterly community of practice calls to complement the work we are doing during our regional forums. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other campuses...

Communauté de pratique francophone du CISMC


Nous aimerions vous inviter à notre communauté de pratique francophone sur Zoom, le lundi 12 décembre 2022. L’événement se déroulera de 15h à 16h HE et son objectif est de réunir les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire et les organisations communautaires francophones afin de célébrer le travail accompli, de faciliter le réseautage et les collaborations. NB: cet...

CICMH Webinar: The Campus Peer Support Pilot Project


In this webinar we invite Bonnie Lipton-Bos from CMHA National to talk to us about the Campus Peer Support pilot project. This national project works closely with post-secondary institutions to...

Cours virtuel : La transition entre les études postsecondaires et le monde professionnel


La transition entre les études postsecondaires et le travail peut être stressante pour de nombreux étudiants, surtout s'ils ne se sentent pas soutenus. Le Centre d’Innovation en Santé Mentale sur les Campus (CISMC) présente un cours qui discutera les défis de la transition entre les études postsecondaires et le monde professionnel. Le cours discutera le...