Campus-Community Connection

Developed to help Ontario’s post-secondary service providers support students with complex mental health and/or addiction concerns through coordinated care on-campus and off-campus. Watch the video below to find out more about this toolkit or take the “Campus Check-In” to find out what resources and tools from this website might be useful for your campus!

This toolkit includes promising practices, resources, forms and templates that will help you develop partnerships and agreements with community-based services, link students to these services and facilitate coordinated care both on-campus and off-campus to effectively support students’ mental health, wellness and learning.

Take The Check-in

In this Toolkit


Read about why we created the Campus-Community Connection Toolkit, what it has been designed to do, and where to start.


Models & Frameworks

Learn about several promising systemic and mental health service models to help enhance student and campus mental health.


Case Studies

Check out these real-life stories highlighting promising practices for supporting students with complex needs.


Tools & Resources

Get all the tools you need to improve your campus-community connections for student mental health.
