Over the past several years, there has been a marked increase in the recruitment of international students to Ontario’s post-secondary institutions. The mental health and well-being of international students are important topics for post-secondary institutions to address. Being far away from their home communities and cultural differences in the understanding of wellness make international students an important population for institutions to consider when developing supportive mental health and well-being services and programming. This toolkit aims to dissect key issues and provide a fulsome understanding of how the unique vulnerability of international students intersects with daily life to mold mental health outcomes.
International Students – Updated
Social Determinants of Health Framework
This toolkit uses a social determinants of health framework to examine different facets of the international student experience to better understand their unique vulnerabilities and needs regarding their mental health.
ViewIntroduction to International Students
Canada has a strong reputation as a desirable and welcoming destination for international students.
ViewInternational Students' Mental Health
The challenges of adjustment and acculturation have been well-documented; however, the same attention has not been given to the mental health challenges experienced by international students.