Back to school mental health tips during the COVID-19 Pandemic

As students prepare for a very different back-to-school season, The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health (CICMH) is reminding students to keep their mental health in mind during the transition.

While a new school year can be exciting, it can also cause stress and anxiety. This is particularly true given the current global pandemic in which many classes and services once offered in person have shifted to an online platform.  CICMH suggests maintaining positive mental health during this seasonal shift with the following strategies:

  • Take care of your body. Mental and physical health are fundamentally linked. Make sure to get enough sleep, drink water, and eat well. Given COVID-19 make sure you consume immunity boosting vitamins and food as well.


  • Build resiliency. Resiliency means coping well with problems, stress, and other difficult situations. Problems and stress are a normal part of life. Set aside time to think about the resiliency tools available to you, such as structured problem-solving skills or people who can help you during difficult situations.


  • Reach out for support. Social support is an important part of mental health. People in our networks can offer emotional support, practical help, and alternate points of view. Contact your campus’ wellness department for mental health support on campus.


  • Communicate your concerns. Connect with your campus and/or your peers about your concerns surrounding COVID-19. Get to know what precautions the campus is taking and what accommodations are being made.

In addition, CICMH has developed a tip sheet on Grief and Loss as well as one on Wellbeing in the Online Environment that can also support students through this time.

For additional up-to-date information on resources available to support students please visit our COVID-19 Resources page .

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