#QIOnTheFly Web Meeting #4: Clients as your guide: EBD


Objectives: • Learn about the many ways experience-based co-design (EBD) can help provide a deeper insight into your client/tenants OPOC responses • Learn more about how to virtually use Experience-based co-design (EBD) approaches in an expedited way • Consider how EBD activities can lead to co-designing the service delivery change with your staff/clients/tenants

CICMH Virtual Eastern Region Forum


Register Now: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cicmh-virtual-eastern-region-forum-tickets-107621025384 Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you that we have added a COVID-19 specific Eastern Region Forum in a shorter online format. The virtual forum is a half-day event that takes place between 9:30 am and 12:00 pm. Our goal is to ensure that we continue to bring...

CICMH Virtual Central (GTA) Region Forum


Register Now: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cicmh-virtual-central-gta-region-forum-tickets-107701064784 Moving to Virtual Regional Forums during the COVID- 19 Outbreak Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you that we have added a COVID-19 specific Central Region Forum in a shorter online format. The virtual forum is a half-day event that takes place between 9:30 am and 12:00 pm....

CISCM – Communauté de pratique francophone (Automne 2020)

Nous organisons ces appels semestriels afin d’échanger les dernières nouvelles sur vos campus suivant notre forum francophone annuel. Cet appel est destiné à tous les francophones de l’Ontario travaillant en lien avec la santé mentale des étudiants et étudiantes au postsecondaire. Les détails de l'appel seront partagés par courriel avec toutes les personnes inscrites à cet événement...

Bright Futures: Embracing Campus Wellness

Hilton Toronto, 145 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON 145 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mark your calendars! The team at CICMH have secured a date for our annual conference. This year's conference "Bright Futures - Embracing Campus Wellness" will be held on Monday, November 2nd...