IDEAS Training for Campuses

Foundations to QI - IDEAS Training Learning objectives: The training aims to promote a common Quality Improvement (QI) language and start to develop the skills needed to be an effect QI project team member. Through lectures and small group activities, the one day training will introduce participants to the fundamentals of QI. We will familiarize...


CICMH Eastern Region Forum

University of Ottawa Alek Trebek Alumni Hall, 157 Seraphin-Marion Private, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

We would like to invite you to our upcoming Eastern Region Forum at the University of Ottawa, on Thursday, March 5, 2020. The forum is a one day event that...


CICMH Virtual Southern Region Forum


Moving to Virtual Regional Forums during the COVID- 19 Outbreak Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you that we will be moving our Southern Region Forum...


CICMH Virtual Kitchener-Waterloo Area Region Forum


Moving to Virtual Regional Forums during the COVID- 19 Outbreak Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you that we will be moving our Kitchener-Waterloo Region Forum...


Central Regional Call (GTA)


CICMH hosts regional calls on a quarterly basis. It is an opportunity for campuses and community organizations to chat between regional forums. The calls consist of updates from CICMH, from...

CICMH Virtual Northern Region Forum


Moving to Virtual Regional Forums during the COVID- 19 Outbreak Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you that we will be moving our Northern Region Forum...

CICMH Virtual Western Region Forum


Moving to Virtual Regional Forums during the COVID- 19 Outbreak Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you that we will be moving our 2020 Western Region...

Eastern Region Call


CICMH hosts regional calls on a quarterly basis. It is an opportunity for campuses and community organizations to chat between regional forums.  The calls consist of updates from CICMH, from...

L’usure de compassion durant COVID-19


Les professionnels de la santé mentale et autre personnel de première ligne ont tendance à être le premier point de contact pour les personnes éprouvant des difficultés émotionnelles, mentales et...