News & Announcements

Toronto universities team up on foreign student peer group

March 20, 2015

Elisa Chang was an outgoing student in her native Taiwan, popular among classmates for her friendliness and a favourite of teachers for her good grades. The 19-year-old came to study...

Taking the Next Step Forward: Building a Responsive Mental Health and Addictions System for Emerging Adults (Executive Summary)

March 17, 2015

This executive summary offers an overview of recommendations found in a more comprehensive report detailing the current state of policies and practices in the area of youth transitioning from child...

Canadian celebrities retweeting video made by Lambton College students​

March 10, 2015

Former NHLer Theo Fleury has retweeted it. So has musician Emm Gryner, sportscaster John Shannon and Dragons’ Den star Michael Wekerle. All of this celebrity attention is being paid to...

Are young people getting the post-secondary education they need?

March 10, 2015

Students want to learn. Schools want to teach. Business wants workers. But how do  you ensure the students end up with the skills that are in demand?  Are we doing...

Ontario’s universities stand by Premier Wynne’s Action Plan on Sexual Violence, say much work already underway

March 10, 2015

Ontario’s universities commend Premier Kathleen Wynne and her government for taking decisive and sweeping action against sexual violence, a serious societal problem that should not be tolerated. The Premier’s Action...

Colleges applaud commitment to improve help-line services for sexual assaults

March 10, 2015

Ontario’s colleges applaud the Wynne government’s announcement today that it will act on the colleges’ recommendation to improve provincial help-line services for survivors of sexual assaults. “Throughout our consultations on...

Toronto students smoke, drink less than Ontario average, but less active

March 9, 2015

Students in Toronto are smoking, drinking, and using drugs at lower rates than the provincial average, but they’re also less physically active, a new report reveals. The school-based survey, conducted...

Students Release Recommendations to Combat Sexual Violence on Campus

March 4, 2015

This Friday, the Premier will announce a multi-sector Sexual Assault Action plan, including changes that could be handed down to colleges and universities. After years of working on this issue,...

Time ticking for Ontario government to make significant changes to Mental Health Act

March 2, 2015

The government of Ontario has less than a year to make significant changes to its Mental Health Act, following a recent game-changing court decision calling for a time limit on involuntary detentions...

First report of its kind examines the burden of mental illness and addictions on Ontario children and youth

March 2, 2015

A ground-breaking report from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Children...
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