Resources Archive
Sexual violence in the lives of first-year university women in Canada: no improvements in the 21st century
July 11, 2022
This article summarizes the frequency, type, and context of sexual assault in a large sample of first-year university women at three Canadian universities.
A 15-Year Population-Based Investigation of Sexual Assault Cases Across the Province of Ontario, Canada, 2002–2016
July 11, 2022
This article aims to estimate the population-level frequencies and standardized rates of sexual assault cases in the province of Ontario.
The Role of Trust in Student Perceptions of University Sexual Assault Policies and Services
July 11, 2022
This study looks at students' perceptions of sexual assault policies and services at a mid-size university campus in Ontario, with a focus on how trust factors into reporting sexual violence and service utilization.
Exploring Inequality in Relation to Rates of Reporting Sexual Assault at Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions
July 11, 2022
This literature review identifies how the policies, barriers, and responses to sexual assault at Canadian post-secondary institutions can impact an individual's chances of reporting sexual assault.
Sexual Violence and Harassment on Campus
May 12, 2021
This Info sheet aims to magnify the focus on this topic by discussing the societal and environmental factors that contribute to the fear and stigma known to deter many from coming forward to report incidents of sexual violence and harassment and how campus staff can take action to reduce these fears.
Sexual Violence and Harassment on Campus
May 27 @ 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
This webinar aims to magnify the focus on sexual harassment and assault on campus by discussing the societal and environmental factors that contribute to the fear and stigma known to deter many from coming forward to report these incidents and how campus staff can take action to reduce these fears.
Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence: A Trauma-Informed Approach
American College Health Association
March 19, 2021