Campus Toolkit for Combatting Sexual Violence

The following documents make up a toolkit for campus-based anti-sexual violence work that has been put together by several students’ union representatives. The toolkit includes a collection of best practices for lobbying efforts, outreach and overall awareness and education on campus. Member locals of the Canadian Federation of Students – Ontario identified a need for tools including a provincial database of support organizations and centres, sexual assault policy information, and tips for how to respond when college and university administrations are pushing back against preventing violence and promoting consent. This toolkit is intended to be an opportunity for students’ unions across Ontario to share with colleagues their experiences on what works when it comes to the ongoing struggle of anti-violence work in the University and College context. The Federation recognizes that there are several organizations whose sole responsibility is violence prevention and survivor support, and it is not our intention to duplicate or replace that ongoing work throughout the province.

If there is any information in this toolkit or on our website that is incorrect or needs to be updated, please contact us at anytime using the “Contact” portion of our website.

*Campus Safety Checklist adapted from METRAC‘s Campus Safety Audit process; used with permission.

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