Early Psychosis Intervention

In this webinar, we invite Leanne Needham and Josette Morin of the Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION) to talk to us about psychosis in the post-secondary context. Come learn about psychosis signs and symptoms, interventions, recovery, interactions with cannabis, and the resources available to students. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.

Links mentioned in the presentation:


Cannabis Resources

EPION links:

Presenter Bios

Leanne Needham is a Social Worker working as a Mental Health Clinician for the First Step Early Psychosis Team with CMHA Waterloo Wellington. Leanne has worked in different capacities within the field of Early Psychosis Intervention since 2008, including Clinician, Family Work and Leadership roles. She is the co-chair of the PEAK (Partnerships, Education, Access and Knowledge Exchange) Committee within EPION (Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network).

Josette Morin is a Nurse Educator working for the Regional Early Intervention in Psychosis Program in the Northeast and is based in North Bay. She has worked in various fields of nursing including Early Intervention in Psychosis since 2006.  She is the co-chair of the PEAK Committee (Partnerships, Education, Access and Knowledge Exchange).

Kaely Danahy is an Occupational Therapist with the First Step Early Psychosis Intervention Team, CMHA Waterloo Wellington, and the EPION Membership Chair.

Sam is a 21-year-old female who lives at home with her parents and her beloved 2 year old Boxer/Husky mix Arlo! Sam was diagnosed with Psychosis in 2021. Sam graduated high school in 2019 and took some time off before entering University to be a Teacher in 2020! Sam attended the university, however, did not attend classes and did not reach out for help, as she was not aware of the mental health services she could access. Sam could not even open her computer to look at the program as she could not handle her symptoms. Sam returned home and reached out for help. Sam was then diagnosed with psychosis and was put on medication (Abilify). Sam has since been able to set some goals and surpass them. Sam would like to eventually own her own dog training company and have Arlo at work with her.

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