Resources Archive

The REDress Project

Casting an Indigenous Feminist Worldview on Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Programs in Ontario’s Universities

July 14, 2022

This article explores the six-month collective endeavour in 2017/18 to challenge and reframe colonial representations of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Transgender and Two-Sprit people through the installation of the REDress Project and its associated events at York University.

The Role of Trust in Student Perceptions of University Sexual Assault Policies and Services

July 11, 2022

This study looks at students' perceptions of sexual assault policies and services at a mid-size university campus in Ontario, with a focus on how trust factors into reporting sexual violence and service utilization.

Exploring Inequality in Relation to Rates of Reporting Sexual Assault at Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions

July 11, 2022

This literature review identifies how the policies, barriers, and responses to sexual assault at Canadian post-secondary institutions can impact an individual's chances of reporting sexual assault.

Exercise and Depression Toolkit

June 20, 2022

This Exercise and Depression Toolkit provides evidence-based information on the usefulness of exercise for the treatment of depression and low mood, recommended guidelines, as well as a number of handouts that can be given to clients

Carleton Student Mental Health Framework 2022-2026

May 17, 2022

Following an extensive year-long consultation process, Carleton University has released their revised and updated Student Mental Health Framework for 2022-2026.

Anti-Oppressive Practice in Action

March 10, 2022 - 1:00PM - 2:00PM

In this webinar, we are joined by Dr. Carol Wade from York University and the University of Windsor and Dr. Ingrid Waldron from McMaster University, to talk about their work on Black youth wellbeing and the ways we can put anti-oppressive practice into action.

Accessibility and the Neurodiverse Campus Community

March 22, 2022 -1:00PM - 2:00PM EST

In this webinar, we’re inviting Tara Connolly, to speak about increasing accessibility to a full neurodiversity of thinkers in post-secondary spaces. Join us as we look at the concept of neurodiversity and begin to consider how to incorporate this lens in building accessible practices throughout a campus community.

Work Hard, Party Hard: Harm Reduction in a Post-secondary Setting

December 21, 2021

Supporting Indigenous Students in their Transition – Aboriginal Post-Secondary Information Program

February 16, 2022 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST

In this webinar, we welcome APSIP – the Aboriginal Post-Secondary Information Program – for an informative session about accessibility and other student support services available at colleges, universities, and polytechnics across Ontario and Quebec.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ontario Families with Children

Findings from the Third Wave

November 12, 2021