Home Student Engagement Program Engagement Checklist

Program Engagement Checklist

We encourage staff to consider this checklist that will guide the process towards successful student engagement in different programming.


  • Diverse and relevant student voices are embedded within the leadership, development, delivery, and feedback process of the program (e.g., 2SLGBTQ+ students with intersecting identities are involved in programs that support individuals who have not come out).
  • Accessibility and accommodation, inclusivity, cultural safety, and anti-oppressive lenses are applied in all areas of program planning, delivery, and evaluation.
  • Students are offered alternate ways of participation (e.g., virtual methods are available and provide a very similar experience to in-person programs).
  • Location and timing of programs is accessible as well as convenient to students’ schedules as much as possible.

Promotion and Marketing

  • Students are aware of the service/program that is offered through multiple channels
    that receive a lot of traffic (e.g., use both social media and have in-person promotional booths in an active manner).
  • The service/program and its objectives are clear, either through its name or promotional description
  • There is active promotion of the service/ program to the target demographic and
    in relevant environments (e.g., marketing supports for nursing students within a nursing class).
  • Marketing based on student demographic (e.g., how can promoting programs to male athletes differ from promoting programs to student leaders?).
  • Staff and faculty are involved to maximize the reach to students (e.g., collaborating with faculty to present information during class).
  • Any barriers to access are clear in all the promotional material (e.g., a room that is only accessible by stairs).


  • Program delivery can be easily adapted to student interests (e.g., activity driven conversations on mental health, such as a cooking class or paint night as the backdrop).
  • Provide food or beverages during the program for the attendees.


  • Program attendees are able to complete evaluations with ease and they are provided with an incentive whenever possible.
  • Evaluations ask questions related to barriers to access, retention, types of compensation, success in promotion and helpfulness of the service/program to actively address them.


  • Students who are involved in the program in any capacity are fairly compensated.
  • Student incentives are clear, appropriate, and useful (e.g., micro-credentials that are recognized within resumes).


Guide: PDF Version