See what other campuses are doing
Algonquin College
Algonquin College has campuses in Ottawa, Pembroke and Perth. The College has announced an interim policy that will be in place from October 15, 2018 until January 1, 2019. During this time, their campuses will be smoke-free and they will conduct full consultations to understand the potential impact and develop a permanent policy. Read the policy.
Carleton University
Carleton University in Ottawa has placed a ban on cannabis usage on campus. Campus members will not be able to grow cannabis on Carleton’s campus and online delivery of cannabis is not permitted on campus, as is the case with alcohol. Read the policy.
Durham College
Durham College has campuses in Oshawa and Whitby. The College has introduced an interim smoke-free policy effective October 15, 2018, with the goal of having a permanent policy by 2019. Read the policy.
Georgian College
Georgian College has campuses in Barrie, Midland, Muskoka, Orangeville, Orillia, Owen Sound, and South Georgian Bay, Ontario. The College has announced that it is banning smoking of cannabis on campus in advance of the October 17, 2018 cannabis legalization, and that campuses will be 100% smoke-free as of May 9, 2019. Read the policy.
Loyalist College
Loyalist College has campuses in Belleville and Bancroft. The College has announced that it will be 100% smoke-free as of January 1, 2019, and that cannabis smoking will be banned for the October 17, 2018 cannabis legalization date.
Loyalist is introducing Fit to Learn and Fit to Work College operational policies and procedures, which outline the expectation for students to be fully prepared to learn and participate in campus activities. Students are expected to not use impairing substances – legal or illegal – that will negatively affect their ability to learn or perform activities safely and competently. Similarly, all employees and contractors working at the College are expected to not use impairing substances – legal or illegal – before or during work hours that will negatively affect their ability to perform duties safely, competently and efficiently. Read the policy.
Mohawk College
Mohawk College has campuses in Hamilton, and Stoney Creek. The College will ban smoking of cannabis on campus October 17, 2018, and will have a 100% smoke-free campus as of January 1, 2019.
Sheridan College
Sheridan College has campuses in Brampton, Oakville and Mississauga. The College announced that its campuses will be 100% smoke-free as of October 17, 2018.
St. Paul University
St. Paul University in Ottawa will introduce an interim 100% smoke-free policy on Oct. 17, 2018. The university has announced that they will create a committee and intend to hold consultations with all groups concerned so they can properly understand the possible effects of a permanent policy.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
UOIT has two campuses in Oshawa, with one Oshawa site being shared with Durham College. UOIT has similarly introduced an interim smoke-free policy effective October 15 2018, with the goal of having a permanent policy by 2019. Read the policy.
University of Ottawa
University of Ottawa will ban cannabis use and growing on campus, as it is a public place, which will fall in line with provincial regulations. Students in residence will also be forbidden from cannabis use, as the school’s residences do not qualify as private. Selling and/or consuming edibles is also forbidden from campus.
University of Waterloo
The University of Waterloo does not intend to create a cannabis-specific policy, but instead intends to cover recreational marijuana use under its smoking and alcohol policies. Smoking is not currently allowed in Waterloo’s residences, and neither will the smoking of recreational marijuana.