Home Thriving in the Classroom International Student Summit | April 27th 2023

International Student Summit | April 27th 2023

The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health (CICMH) is a multi- partner project that aims to engage and support Ontario colleges and universities in their commitment to student mental health and well-being. A key component of this work is to create collaborative spaces that build the knowledge and skills of various stakeholders in post-secondary institutions to increase their capacity to address the mental health needs of students.

International students are a growing population across Canadian campuses and are seen as a key source of talent for the growth and sustenance of the Canadian economy. However, despite their growing presence on campuses, there are unique challenges facing international students that have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research consistently demonstrates that international students face overlapping challenges that negatively impact their experience as students as well as their mental health. As this population continues to grow, it is imperative that campuses are able to fully recognize and respond to their unique needs. On April 27th, 2023, we hosted a virtual forum for staff in post-secondary institutions, focusing on ways to support positive mental health outcomes for the international student population. Throughout the forum, featured a series of panels that use a social determinants of health framework to highlight critical issues facing this subset of students, as well as innovative solutions being implemented across Canadian campuses.


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