Resources Archive

An Analysis of Campus Culture, Mental Health, and Drinking at Three Canadian Universities

May 9, 2023

This study examined a series of perceived campus environment factors and the relationships among these perceived campus environment variables and students’ mental well-being, risk of harmful drinking, and their willingness to seek help for a substance use or mental health concern.

Professor Hippo-on-Campus: Developing and evaluating an educational intervention to build mental health literacy among university faculty and staff

May 9, 2023

This paper highlights the development and evaluation of the Professor Hippo-on-Campus Student Mental Health Education Program, a mental health literacy intervention for post-secondary faculty and staff.

Mindfulness for the Mental Health and Well-Being of Post-Secondary Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

May 9, 2023

This systematic review and meta-analysis seeks to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for mental health outcomes in post-secondary students. Compared to a passive control, mindfulness-based interventions appear to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and perceived stress post-intervention.

Food Security Advocacy and Activism Among Post-Secondary Students: A Case Study of Lakehead University

May 9, 2023

In this MA thesis, using a feminist intersectional case study approach, the author examines how the identities of student activists influence their activism and advocacy on food insecurity on campus at Lakehead University.

A Qualitative Investigation of the Positive and Negative Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Post-Secondary Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being

May 9, 2023

Although all students experienced novel stressors during the pandemic, students without preexisting mental health concerns reported greater increases in social and academic isolation, relative to students with preexisting mental health concerns.

Mapping the Role of Instructors in Canadian Post-Secondary Student Mental Health Support Systems

May 9, 2023

This study engaged in online document analysis to (a) locate the instructor’s position within student mental health support frameworks across Canadian colleges and universities, and (b) understand how their role is exactly defined and described.

Situating the Post-Secondary Instructor in a Supportive Role for the Mental Health and Well-Being of Students

May 9, 2023

This paper proposes and discusses a reconceptualized understanding of the post-secondary instructor as a critical link in the chain of student support and wellbeing. The author suggests that instructors can supplement or facilitate a number of initiatives in higher education to support student mental health.

Self-reflection and screening mental health on Canadian campuses: validation of the mental health continuum model

May 8, 2023

This study describes the psychometric testing of the Mental Health Continuum (MHC) model among undergraduates of three Canadian universities. The MHC is a tool that consists of 6 items to guide students the way to attend to, or monitor, signs and behavior indicators of their mental health status and suggest appropriate actions to improve their mental health.

Student Interaction and Negative Mental Health Effects: Evaluating Black Students' Perceptions of Racial Climate at a Canadian University

May 8, 2023

In this MA thesis from the University of British Columbia, utilizing 12 in-depth interviews with Black students, results show that Black students navigate instances of everyday racism on campus and in the classroom. Consequently, Black students experience negative mental health effects, forms of alienation, and social isolation.

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life and learning experiences of indigenous and non-Indigenous university and college students in Ontario, Canada: a qualitative study

May 8, 2023

The Cost of COVID is a mixed methods study exploring the social and emotional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on families, youth, and urban Indigenous People. The present analysis was completed using a subset of qualitative data including micronarrative stories from students in college and university, as well as in-depth interviews from service providers providing services to students.