Resources Archive

Supporting Graduate Student Mental Health

September 7, 2022

This factsheet was prepared by the Ontario Graduate Caucus (OGC) of the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, who engaged in a two-year research project to identify and document the mental health experiences of graduate students in Ontario universities. The factsheet outlines the primary survey results as well as the recommendations for graduate student mental health resources on campus.

The Response to Sexual Violence at Ontario University Campuses

July 14, 2022

This report, submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, is an examination of the police and institutional responses to sexual violence at Ontario university campuses.

Are students aware of, knowledgeable about, and willing to use campus safety services?

July 14, 2022

This study aimed to investigate the extent to which students were aware of, knowledgeable about, and willing to use services offered by Campus Safety at Carleton University.

Assessing Student Rape Myth Acceptance and Attitude Toward Intervening in Incidents of Sexual Violence

July 14, 2022

This study used the Bystander Attitude Scale-Revised and the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale, to collect data from a sample of 154 students at Nipissing University.

An intersectional analysis of sexual violence policies, responses, and prevention efforts at Ontario universities

July 14, 2022

This dissertation critically analyzes how sexual violence is being conceptualized in post-secondary institutions’ policies, responses, and prevention efforts.

The REDress Project

Casting an Indigenous Feminist Worldview on Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Programs in Ontario’s Universities

July 14, 2022

This article explores the six-month collective endeavour in 2017/18 to challenge and reframe colonial representations of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Transgender and Two-Sprit people through the installation of the REDress Project and its associated events at York University.

“Good People with Good Intentions”: Deconstructing A Post-Secondary Institution’s Sexual Violence Policy Construction

July 11, 2022

This article investigates the expertise of committee members who have been tasked with constructing sexual violence policies at one post-secondary institution in western Canada.

Sexual violence in the lives of first-year university women in Canada: no improvements in the 21st century

July 11, 2022

This article summarizes the frequency, type, and context of sexual assault in a large sample of first-year university women at three Canadian universities.

A 15-Year Population-Based Investigation of Sexual Assault Cases Across the Province of Ontario, Canada, 2002–2016

July 11, 2022

This article aims to estimate the population-level frequencies and standardized rates of sexual assault cases in the province of Ontario.

The Role of Trust in Student Perceptions of University Sexual Assault Policies and Services

July 11, 2022

This study looks at students' perceptions of sexual assault policies and services at a mid-size university campus in Ontario, with a focus on how trust factors into reporting sexual violence and service utilization.