Home Campus-Community Partnerships Steps To Building A Collaborative Partnership Step 4: Determine structure of the collaborative partnership

Step 4: Determine structure of the collaborative partnership

Step 4: Determine structure of the collaborative partnership

Ensure there is clarity among partners as to the mission, values and principles that will guide the collaborative partnership


  • Is there a stated shared vision?
  • Has a mission statement been devised (how the collaboration will achieve their vision)?
  • Are there guiding principles for the collaborative partnership that have been agreed upon by members?

Set out the processes needed to manage and sustain the partnership


  • What will be the governance structure for the collaboration? Have the roles and responsibilities of all member organizations been defined and agreed upon?
  • What shared or allocated resources have been agreed upon and how are they funded/realigned?
  • How will the work get done and what structure is needed to ensure this happens (steering committee, advisory group, executive committee with work groups)?
  • When, where and how will partners meet and who are the key people needed for meetings?
  • Is there an agreed upon timeline of the partnership in terms of change, renewal and ending?
  • Is there an accepted decision-making process?
  • Who is the accountable individual or champion in each organization for this collaboration?
  • Have accountabilities, roles and responsibilities for the lead organization (if applicable) and member partners been specified and is the reporting structure clear?
  • Who will the partnership report to and is there a process in place to report on progress?
  • Is there a process to resolve conflicts in a fair and productive manner?
  • Have guidelines/ground rules for participation been established and agreed upon?
  • How will intellectual property be determined, identified and used?

Ensure a formal written agreement incorporating the above has been developed and signed by all partners.


  • Are there any unresolved issues that need to be addressed before signing?
  • Does the collaboration require a simple or more formal agreement?
  • Which format best meets your need?
Guide: PDF Version