- Introduction to Evaluation
- The 5Qs of this Toolkit
- 1.0 What is Evaluation?
- 2.0 Planning Your Evaluation
- 3.0 Conducting Your Evaluation
- 4.0 Sharing and Learning
- 5.0 Evaluation Projects
- Resource List
- Partner Resources
- Bibliography and References
- Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms
- Appendix 2: Case Study Answers
- Appendix 3: Worksheets & Templates
- 6.0 Apply to the Evaluation Capacity Program for 2023/2024
Home Evaluation Toolkit Bibliography and References
Bibliography and References
In additional to the resources listed in the section above, these documents were also reviewed as part of the development of this toolkit (please note that this list is not exhaustive):
- ‘In It Together: Taking Action on Student Mental Health,’ Council of Ontario Universities, November 2017; http://cou.on.ca/reports/in-it-together/
- ‘Foundations: Mental Health and Well-Being Initiatives at Ontario’s Universities’ Council of Ontario Universities, November 2017; http://cou.on.ca/reports/foundations-mental-health-well-initiatives-ontarios-universities/
- ‘Environmental Scan of Promising Practices and Indicators Relevant to Campus Mental Health,’ Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health, May 2015
https://campusmentalhealth.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Final-Environmental-Scan-Report-May-26-2015-PDF.pdf - ‘Campus Assessment and Planning Inventory; A Companion Document to Post Secondary Student Mental Health’, Canadian Association of College and University Student Services
http://cacuss-campusmentalhealth.ca/framework.html#/ - Evaluation Approaches for Mental Health Prevention and Early Intervention Programs’, Rand Corporation and California Mental Health Services Authority, 2017;
https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1800/RR1882/RAND_RR182.pdf - ‘Improving Post-Secondary Mental Health,’ Government of Alberta, June 2017
http://advancededucation.alberta.ca/media/498570/fact-sheet-mental-health-2017.pdf - Community, Sustainability, Engagement: Evaluation Toolbox, http://evaluationtoolbox.net.au/
- My-Peer Toolkit, Evaluation Framework for Peer-Based Youth Programs,
http://mypeer.org.au/monitoring-evaluation/ - Strengthening Non-Profits, A Capacity Builders Resource Library
http://www.strengtheningnonprofits.org/ - The Pell Institute and Pathways to College Network, Evaluation Toolkit, http://toolkit.pellinstitute.org/
- Capacity for Health, Resource Library,